Dr. Dana D. Medina
Department Chemie
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
Butenandtstr. 11, Haus E
81377 München
Tel: 089-2180-77805
Dana Medina-Tautz obtained her Ph.D. in Chemistry in 2010 from Bar-Ilan University. In 2011 Dana moved to the Ludiwg-Maximilians-Universität München (LMU, chair Prof. Thomas Bein) as a Minerva fellow to conduct a postdoctoral research, where she is leading in her current capacity a young research group and perusing her habilitation. The research pursued by Dana’s group is focused on the design and synthesis of functional porous crystalline frameworks, particularly 2D layered structures. Large part of the research is dedicated to the development of novel on-surface deposition techniques with the goal of bringing periodic porous materials towards thin film applications in electronics, sensing and sieving.
Journal Cover Highlights:
Selected publications:
- Laura Frey, Jonas F. Pöhls, Matthias Hennemann, Andre Mähringer, Stephan Reuter, Timothy Clark, R. Thomas Weitz, Dana D. Medina* “Oriented Thiophene-Extended Benzotrithiophene Covalent Organic Framework Thin Films – Directional Electrical Conductivity” Adv. Funct. Mater., 2022, accepted manuscript.
- Soraia PS. Fernandes, Laura Frey, Krystal M. Cid-Seara, Orlando Oliveira, Noelia Guldris, Enrique Carbó-Argibay, Carlos Rodríguez-Abreu, Yury V. Kolen’ko, Artur MS. Silva, Dana D. Medina*, Laura M. Salonen “A post-synthetic modification strategy for the synthesis of pyrene-fused azaacene covalent organic frameworks” Micropor. Mesopor. Mat., 2022, DOI: 10.1016/j.micromeso.2022.112162
- Patricia I. Scheurle, Andre Mähringer, Tabea Haug, Alexander Biewald, Daniel Axthammer, Achim Hartschuh, Lena Harms, Gunther Wittstock, Dana D. Medina, Thomas Bein “Helical Anthracene–Ethyne-Based MOF-74 Analogue”, Cryst. Growth Des., 2022
- Patricia I. Scheurle, Alexander Biewald, Andre Mähringer, Achim Hartschuh, Dana D. Medina, Thomas Bein “A Novel Electrically Conductive Perylene Diimide-Based MOF-74 Series Featuring Luminescence and Redox Activity”, Small Structures, 2022
- Laura Frey, Jenni J. Jarju, Laura M. Salonen, Dana D. Medina, “Boronic-acid-derived covalent organic frameworks: from synthesis to applications”, New J. Chem, 2021, accepted manuscript. (Invited contribution)
- Patricia I. Scheurle, Andre Mähringer, Alexander Biewald, Achim Hartschuh, Thomas Bein, Dana D. Medina*, “MOF-74(M) films obtained through vapor-assisted conversion – impact on crystal orientation and optical properties”, Chem. Mater., 2021, 33, 15, 5896–5904.
- Andre Mähringer, Markus Döblinger, Matthias Hennemann, Christoph Gruber, Dominik Fehn, Patricia I. Scheurle, Pouya Hosseini, Irina Santourian, Alfred Schirmacher, Julian M. Rotter, Gunther Wittstock, Karsten Meyer, Timothy Clark, Thomas Bein, and Dana D. Medina*, “An electrically conducting three-dimensional iron-catecholate porous framework” Angew. Chem. Int. Ed, 2021
- Andre Mähringer, Matthias Hennemann, Timothy Clark, Thomas Bein, Dana Medina, “Energy efficient, ultrahigh‐flux separation of oily pollutants from water with superhydrophilic nanoscale metal‐organic framework architectures” Angew. Chem., 2021, 60, 5519 –5526.
- Julian M. Rotter, Roman Guntermann, Michael Auth, Andre Mähringer, Andreas Sperlich, Vladimir Dyakonov, Dana D. Medina*, Thomas Bein, “Highly conducting Wurster-type twisted covalent organic frameworks” Chem. Sci., 2020, 11, 12843-12853.
- Andre Mähringer, Dana Medina*, “Taking stock of stacking” Nat. Chem., 2020, 12, 985-987.
- Torben Sick, Julian M. Rotter, Stephan Reuter, Sharath Kandambeth, Nicolai N. Bach, Markus Döblinger, Julia Merz, Timothy Clark, Todd B. Marder, Thomas Bein, Dana D. Medina, “Switching on and off interlayer correlations and porosity in 2D covalent organic frameworks” J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2019, 141, 12570-12581.
- Julian M. Rotter, Simon Weinberger, Jonathan Kampmann, Torben Sick, Menny Shalom, Thomas Bein, Dana D. Medina, “Covalent organic framework films through electrophoretic deposition-creating efficient morphologies for catalysis” Chem. Mater., 2019, 31, 10008-10016.
- Andre Mähringer, Julian M. Rotter, Dana D. Medina, “Nanostructured and oriented metal-organic framework films enabling extreme surface wetting properties” Beilstein J. Nanotechnol., 2019, 10, 1994-2003.
- Andre Mähringer, Andreas C. Jakowetz, Julian M. Rotter, Bernhard J. Bohn, Jacek K. Stolarczyk, Jochen Feldmann, Thomas Bein, Dana D. Medina*, “Oriented thin films of electroactive triphenylene catecholate-based 2D metal-organic frameworks” ACS Nano, 2019, 13, 6711-6719.
- Dana D. Medina, Andre Mähringer, Thomas Bein, “Electroactive metalorganic frameworks” Isr. J. Chem., 2018, 58, 1089-1101.
- Erika Virmani, Julian M. Rotter, Andre Mähringer, Tobias von Zons, Adelheid Godt, Thomas Bein, Stefan Wuttke, Dana D. Medina*, “On-surface synthesis of highly oriented thin metal-organic framework films through vapor-assisted conversion” J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2018, 140, 4812-4819.
- Dana D. Medina,* Torben Sick, Thomas Bein, “Photoactive and conducting covalent organic frameworks” Adv. Energy Mater., 2017, 7, 1700387.
- Dana D. Medina,* Michiel L. Petrus, Askhat N. Jumabekov, Johannes T. Margraf, Simon Weinberger, Julian M. Rotter, Timothy Clark and. Thomas Bein, “Directional charge-carrier transport in oriented benzodithiophene thin films” ACS Nano, 2017, 11, 2706-2713.
- Maria S. Lohse, Julian M. Rotter, Johannes T. Margraf, Veronika Werner, Matthias Becker, Simon Herbert, Paul Knochel, Timothy Clark, Thomas Bein, and Dana D. Medina*, “From benzodithiophene to diethoxy-benzodithiophene covalent organic frameworks – structural investigations” CrystEngComm., 2016, 18, 4295-4302.
- Dana D. Medina, Julian M. Rotter, Yinghong Hu, Mirjam Dogru, Veronika Werner, Florian Auras, John T. Markiewicz, Paul Knochel, Thomas Bein, “Room temperature synthesis of covalent organic framework films by vapor-assisted conversion” J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2015, 137, 1016-1019.
Find all my publications on my Google Scholar profile: Link